Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Life In A Day Movie Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Actually a lot of interesting things that I want to tell you all Blog Keluarga Ideal visitors are loyal and wish to always remain faithful. No word bored to keep sharing everything that might be useful and interesting. Today I tried to tell you about Life in a Day is a documentary film project yang merupakan out of a partnership between YouTube, Ridley Scott Associates and LG electronics. In addition, I bring good news for those of you who can hardly wait for the film Life In A Day, Life In A Day was released in theaters in June 2011. Life In A Day starring Cindy Baer, Moica and Caryn Waechter will also be exhibited at the prestigious film festival, Sundance.

There is a unique behind the film Life in a Day, directed by Kevin McDonald and Ridley Scott as a producer. Life in a Day was taken from life footage of 80,000 people from various countries, more than 190 countries recorded amateur videos on a single day. Life in a Day is a project that began in July. YouTube set up an interactive gallery for video Life in a Day and the users of YouTube one day of filming activity in their daily lives and then uploading them to YouTube. Well, this is not a matter of course in making a film, this is a new breakthrough, even this is extraordinary! Where a collection of amateur videos from around the world that is uploaded on YouTube on July 24, 2010 was converted into a movie.

As we witness the everyday life experienced by tens of thousands of people across the hemisphere with a variety of stories, events and all activities respectively. Of course this is a reality of human life may well have we experienced, where there is love, grief, fear, hate, anguish, sadness, happiness, and things that are happening in people's lives. Although this happens in people's lives and around us, but sometimes we are less sensitive, do not even realize it. Life in a Day opens our eyes to see and witness around us and, as it is a mirror of ourselves.

Life in a Day is a very interesting spectacle, and very admirable. Life In A Day is an innovation in the manufacture of a film and showed a video recording technology advances. Intrigued by Life in a Day? Of course we can not wait to immediately view the results of this project and watching movies comes from the tens of thousands of YouTube users video submissions, Life in a Day.

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