Senin, 26 September 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro Novela Senin, 26 September 2011

Ver Cuando Me Enamoro Telenovela Online in Full Story, Do you still continue to watch Spanish-language telenovela Cuando Me Enamoro? I do not know what else I should write about this telenovela, because some days I did not have time to watch it. Whereas I love the theme song which sung by Enrique Iglesias and Juan Luis Guerra.

Supposedly, the next episode is Cuando Me Enamoro Capitulos. A few days ahead, my work in the office will not need me until late night, so I'll start watching it again. Anyway, I was just looking for a summary of previous episodes of the story.

Apparently the previous episode is told that a misunderstanding between Priscila, Matilda and Carlos can be resolved well. Carlos will be married Matilde whoO accepted willingly and happily, however, Priscilla planning something apart again.

Then it is also known under the existing document that Roberta is the daughter of Josefina Alvarez and Roberto Gamba, then Antonio is going to running out doubt that the true daughter of Regina is Renata.

I wonder what's the story in Cuando Me Enamoro Novela later. Is Carlos and Matilde will be separated by Priscila again? And how is Regina after learning that her biological daughter is Renata? Let's see next episode.

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