Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Unique Canon Copiers Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Canon S95, Canon as a company has been manufacturing copiers for a long time. And they have been doing it innovatively. We all have a green side to ourselves nowadays, with reducing carbon footprint being the latest trend. But long before the environmental movement became popular, Canon was developing recycling plant in one of the company’s mainstay areas, the Canon copier division.

Free Download Games Online, Re-manufacturing of Canon copiers has been going on since early 1990’s, when at the Canon photocopiers Virginia factory in the United States and in the United Kingdom, a plant dedicated solely to re-manufacturing Canon copiers came into operation in 1993. The results were encouraging and Canon copiers scaled up to the point that they had to transfer the remanufacturing to the Canon copier plant in Germany.

A canon copier is not alone in this quest for greener office document processing, but it certainly was the first. Acting on the commitment to produce environment friendly copiers, and with an increasing social demand for recycling and recyclable copiers, the copier industry is being asked to produce environmentally sound products. Canon photocopiers are way ahead of the competition and are efficiently recycling and remanufacturing copiers and allied products.

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