Eva Luna Telenovela: Eva Luna telenovelas, a drama of love produced Venevision and Univision Studios tells the story about the struggle of life and the journey of love a girl named Eva Luna González (Blanca Soto). With a background modeling and advertising world, Eva Luna telenovela-themed drama presents the story of love with all the tricks and intrigue the world model competition, spiced revenge.
Synopsis Eva Luna / Plot Eva Luna telenovela : The story of Eva Luna telenovela take background story in contemporary modeling Los Angeles. Blanca Soto is the main actor telenovela Eva Luna. Narrated, family Eva Luna (Blanca Soto), which comes from Southern California moving to the big city of Los Angeles, with one of the reasons to get a better life.
Competition living in big cities like Los Angeles is not easy. In the Eva Luna telenovela is told how Eva Luna struggled to find a job with great difficulty. Eva Luna also have to think about the fate of her extended family, especially her sister who has the lead criminal behavior and jeopardize the future of her social life.
In an attempt to survive in this great city, life of love Eva Luna is a dominant theme and the core story of Eva Luna telenovela. How Eva Luna was trapped in her love choices. Eva Luna which has the attraction of beauty has attracted many men, including Arismendi in the telenovela that is acting as the owner of an advertising agency where Eva Luna's work.
How Eva Luna telenovela full story this is ? ... In essence telenovela Eva Luna tells how difficult immigrant life in the big city without the provision of adequate education and without any special expertise possessed.
Cast Ver Eva Luna Telenovelas:
Blanca Soto cast as Eva Luna González.
Harry Geithner served as Francisco Conti, a driver who became a playboy in Eva Luna telenovela.
Guy Ecker role as Daniel Villanueva, PR star
Vanessa Villela as Victoria Arismendi.
Susana Dosamantes as Marcela Arismendi.
Greidys Gil as Claudia.
Sofía Loma as Alicia, to serve as sister Eva Luna.
Lavat as Don Julio Jorge Arismendi.
Lupita Ferrer as Justa Valdez.
Renata Eva Cuervo, acting as housekeeper at the telenovela Eva Luna.
Gabriela Borges served as Laurita Villanueva on telenovela Eva Luna, the daughter of Guy Ecker. Post by Nurinta.
Synopsis Eva Luna / Plot Eva Luna telenovela : The story of Eva Luna telenovela take background story in contemporary modeling Los Angeles. Blanca Soto is the main actor telenovela Eva Luna. Narrated, family Eva Luna (Blanca Soto), which comes from Southern California moving to the big city of Los Angeles, with one of the reasons to get a better life.
Competition living in big cities like Los Angeles is not easy. In the Eva Luna telenovela is told how Eva Luna struggled to find a job with great difficulty. Eva Luna also have to think about the fate of her extended family, especially her sister who has the lead criminal behavior and jeopardize the future of her social life.
In an attempt to survive in this great city, life of love Eva Luna is a dominant theme and the core story of Eva Luna telenovela. How Eva Luna was trapped in her love choices. Eva Luna which has the attraction of beauty has attracted many men, including Arismendi in the telenovela that is acting as the owner of an advertising agency where Eva Luna's work.
How Eva Luna telenovela full story this is ? ... In essence telenovela Eva Luna tells how difficult immigrant life in the big city without the provision of adequate education and without any special expertise possessed.
Cast Ver Eva Luna Telenovelas:
Blanca Soto cast as Eva Luna González.
Harry Geithner served as Francisco Conti, a driver who became a playboy in Eva Luna telenovela.
Guy Ecker role as Daniel Villanueva, PR star
Vanessa Villela as Victoria Arismendi.
Susana Dosamantes as Marcela Arismendi.
Greidys Gil as Claudia.
Sofía Loma as Alicia, to serve as sister Eva Luna.
Lavat as Don Julio Jorge Arismendi.
Lupita Ferrer as Justa Valdez.
Renata Eva Cuervo, acting as housekeeper at the telenovela Eva Luna.
Gabriela Borges served as Laurita Villanueva on telenovela Eva Luna, the daughter of Guy Ecker. Post by Nurinta.
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