Sabtu, 09 April 2011

La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30 Sabtu, 09 April 2011

La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30 with the episode title Víctima de su Suerte: Many fans of telenovela La Reina del Sur is a loss for synopsis La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30. If we try to browse the Internet looking for the plot of La Reina del Sur which will be aired once seemed difficult.

The story of telenovela La Reyna del Sur each episode is more interesting. Probably lots of reasons why many people who like La Reina del Sur this telenovela. One reason may be because the storyline of La Reina del Sur is not too complicated. Or any other reason for La Reina del Sur is not just a love story featuring scenes. Despite the undeniable romance scene La Rayna del Sur telenovela was making me addicted to watching it. What about La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30? ...What of the story La Reyna del Sur that we shall watch at La Reyna del Sur Capitulos 30?

Víctima de su Suerte that's the title of La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30 which literally means "Victims of Fate". Review La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30: Competition in the criminal world of narcotics certainly more frightening than a normal life. Teresa Mendoza must accept the fact that in the drug trade there was no eternal friends, all who were involved in this business as legalizing all means. How the fate of Teresa Mendoza in achieving its ambitions? ... Watch La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30.

Apart from showing scenes of smuggling narcotics, La Reina del Sur Cap 30 also features Teresa Mendoza intimacy with Paty. Another story that we can watch on La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30 is about discord in the competitive area of ​​the narcotics trade. The arrival of Russian groups who want to sell narcotics in the territory of Spain increasingly trigger inter-gang rivalry.

How to learn more about the story of a girl from a small town in Culiacan that compete hard narcotics criminal world? ... Teresa Mendoza never dreamed of a drug queen of the south. Hard life in big cities and grudges of the past and the instinct for survival has been brought into the life that never dreamed of Teresa Mendoza. Do not miss to watch La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30 which entitled Víctima de su Suerte, article La Reina del Sur Capitulo 30 was posted by one of the fans of telenovela La Reina del Sur, Nurinta.

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