Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Futurama Episode 23 The Tip of the Zoidberg Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Futurama Season 6 Episode 23 The Tip of the Zoidberg, Watch Futurama Season 6 Episode 23 Online The Tip of the Zoidberg. Did the authors Futurama run out of ideas? I mean second appearance as a few weeks for the Tom Baker Doctor Who? Come on guys, how about some action Davison or Tennant? Also, last week's episode saw the bus fly London, la Planet of the Dead (one of the Doctor Who 2009 specials), and now whale space! (Unlike last year's Who, Zoo Story below.)

I'm just kidding, of course, but interesting to note the similarity between the two events, because we are presented with another type of time-travel story. I say 'kind', as we get some flashback fun for the crew's first Professor (about fifty years ago) featuring Candy (blonde beautiful), a robot called Lifter and personality-less Captain Lando Tucker (who concluded every sentence with, "... or die trying!").

Planet Express complements the original line-up is everyone's favorite lobster, Zoidberg. In fact, today, gang refer to him as "Johnny", and he sports Fonze-esque hair-do kind of funny. Not only that, Johnny was loved by all the crew (quizicality cause many of the modern crew, who find it hard to swallow that the crustaceans have friends).

Farnsworth believes the crew and the former has disappeared in the Bermuda Tetrohedon and, within seconds it says, sends Leela and Co journey across the vast room to pick up a monument to the lost crew. Of course, you can see what will come ...

Leela ends forging through it and find that space is a graveyard for ships. The more geekily supine-eyed will have a wild time spotting a variety of spacecraft from 2001: A Space Odyssey, an album cover of Electric Light Orchestra and even Oceanic Flight 815 (from Lost television).

Reference Ahoy! Obviously, the main reference is the Moby Dick and the enemies here comes in the form of a giant killer whale space that can travel interdimensionally, and guzzles whatever (or she) could be on the road. And it was in the belly of the beast which some familiar faces appeared. It's another story Futurama cracks and, perhaps more importantly, an abundance of jokes as well: a change of hair style Zoidberg into a visual nod to Close Encounters of the Third Type of closing moments.

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